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Our program of education and training is designed for the busy lay person,
pastor and bi-vocational pastor who has only a limited amount of time,
but who wants a high-quality theological education.

Virtual courses with interaction between students and instructors.

Each course (with 4 classes) costs $55.


Seminary Degrees


Bachelor of Arts

Biblical Studies — 3-Year Program

With no prerequisites, students may begin and finish anytime in the three-year cycle.

Each course runs four Thursday evenings for one hour.

(Also available by Distance Learning or Cafeteria Style.)

24 courses are required each of three years to graduate plus a course in Comparative Religion.

Courses are offered January through October. You are encouraged to take additional classes.


Christian Music — 1-Year Program

This set of courses provides training to church members that have a choir, music ministry and song leaders. No previous music training is necessary.


Master of Arts

Biblical Studies — 2-Year Program (after obtaining BA)

The Seminary offers a Graduate Program leading to a master’s degree in Biblical Studies. To enter you must have a bachelor’s degree (if your BA is in any topic other than Biblical or Ministry, you will be required to take an additional four courses). To complete the program will require two (2) years of study. Each course runs four Thursday evenings for one hour,

The Master’s degree student shall complete and hand in a 10-page double spaced research paper on any Christian topic by October 1 of the year he or she graduates. The topic must be approved in advance by the Dr. Richard Wallace, the Dean of the Masters program. Each project must follow MLA standards and have at least 10 references showing the author’s name, the name of the book or article, and the publication date. 


Doctor of Ministry

Biblical Studies — 2-Year Program (after obtaining BA & MA)

Applicants for the Doctor of Ministry must have completed an undergraduate degree and a master’s degree. Upon acceptance into the program, the applicant shall be assigned a Major Professor. The Doctor of Ministry program shall not be completed in less than two years from the date course work begins. All Doctor of Ministry work begins in January and ends in November.

Students with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in fields outside Biblical Studies shall have completed three courses in either the Bachelor or Master programs at Ebenezer Christian Seminary or appropriate Bible courses prior to completion of the first year of the program. The candidate may attend the classes or complete them by distance learning.

The requirements for the Doctor of Ministry are as follows: 

Seminars — The candidate shall complete four seminars conducted during the first year of enrollment in the Doctor of Ministry Program. Each seminar shall be comprised of four 2-hour classes. The general topic of each seminar is as follows: Old Testament, Preaching, New Testament, and Church Administration. Each seminar will include reading assignments and a written project.

Professional Seminar. The Seminar must be completed prior to approval of the topic for the Written Project. The Professional Seminar is designed to develop the topic, thesis, questions, outline, synopsis, and conclusions for the proposed project.


Written Project — The candidate shall complete a written Project no less than 30,000 words, 45 pages, double-spaced, with appropriate margins (1”) on both sides and the top and bottom of the pages, according to A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Eighth edition by Kate Turabian. Footnotes should follow MLA Endnotes and Footnote standards. The topic shall be approved by the Major Professor before the project is written, and the student must complete the Professional Seminar prior to formal approval of the topic.

The major professor shall approve the introduction, as well as each individual chapter before the student can complete the next chapter and the conclusion




Seven Conferences — The candidate shall have seven scheduled meetings with the Major Professor to discuss the project and the program.  Two meetings shall occur in the first year, and five shall occur in the second year.


Oral Defense of Project — The candidate shall defend the project before the Major Committee. The topic, conclusions, and further study shall be discussed with the committee. Upon completion of the Oral Defense, the Major Committee shall decide if the candidate can be presented to the Board of Directors of Ebenezer Christian Seminary to graduate with a Doctor of Ministry.


The course work for the Doctor of Ministry shall be graded as A for Acceptable, B for acceptable with shortcomings or C unacceptable. The Candidate shall successfully complete all aspects of the Doctor of Ministry to be awarded the degree.


Doctor of Ministry Tuition Fee

The total cost for the Doctor of Ministry program is $2,000. The student shall pay a $200 registration fee, then $900 per year. All fees must be paid by November 1st of each year. If you use flash drives for courses, an additional $10 fee will be required. Additional graduation fees will also apply for gown rental and diploma printing. There will also be a Binding Fee for two copies of the written project; one for the candidate and one for Ebenezer Christian Seminary Library.

If the student cannot complete the program in two years, the student may enroll in a third year for an additional $300 enrollment fee. Tuition is payable at Ebenezer Christian Seminary.   


General Biblical Studies

We offer a "Cafeteria Style” method for classes.

Pick and choose only the courses you want or need.

Each course (with 4 classes) costs $55


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